Emotional Intelligence E-Course
Course4.8 average rating (61 reviews)Recent studies indicate that emotional intelligence is a powerful tool and key to effective leadership. This introductory self-paced program is designed to help you understand how you best contribute to your practice using emotional intelligence.
Emotional Intelligence Starts with You: An Introduction to Self-Awareness & Self-Management
Course4.8 average rating (5 reviews)During this webinar, we'll discuss two of the four emotional intelligence domains: Self-Awareness and Self-Management. You'll learn how to identify and understand your emotions as they happen and then how to effectively manage distressing emotions.
The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Your Interactions with Others
Course4.5 average rating (2 reviews)Great leaders keep the emotional current of a team moving in a positive direction making their team feel understood and cared for. Improving emotional intelligence will allow you to become a more resonant leader, driving a positive practice culture.